Super-material shrugs off molten metal
On Nature News by Elizabeth Gibney
Surfaces that repel water…
Swarming behavior in plant roots
A paper published today in PLoS ONE shows that the roots of the…
Robotics and ICT technologies inspired by plants
Barbara Mazzolai
Centre for Micro-BioRobotics@SSSA, Pontedera,…
Fibre hierarchies in plants: the key to smart solutions
George Jeronimidis
Centre for Biomimetics, University of Reading…
Communication in plant root
Stefano Mancuso
LINV- DIPSA – University of Florence
Design Principles of Plant Actuation
Michaela Eder, Ingo Burgert, Matthew J. Harrington, John WC Dunlop,…
Growing Roots and their Searching Behaviour
František Baluška
IZMB, University of Bonn, Kirschallee 1,…
Quantifying the taxonomic diversity in real species communities
Guido Caldarelli
INFM-CNR Centro SMC Department of Physics,…
Adaptive behavior and direct perception: ecological lessons from plant neurobiology
Paco Calvo
Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Title: Adaptive…
Seeds, dispersal and biomimicry
Camilla Pandolfi
The European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The…